
Member for

3 years 9 months
David Todd
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Dr. David Todd is an independent consultant based in UK. After gaining a Ph.D. in Social Anthropology based on fieldwork in Ethiopia, his career has encompassed academia, consultancy and international organisations. He was Social Development Adviser in DFID's evaluation office, before moving on to become Senior Evaluation Specialist in the Global Environment Facility Evaluation Office for nine years. Here, he devoted much of his time to developing approaches to impact evaluation, including a pioneering method called the Review of Outcomes to Impacts, which has been extensively used by the GEF and UNEP Evaluation Offices, and published in international journals.
Whilst with the GEF, David acted as Co-Chair of the UNEG Impact Evaluation Task Force and was a UNEG Steering Committee member. He also taught Theory-Based Impact Evaluation at the International Program for Development Evaluation Training (World Bank/Carleton University) and on the MA in Development Evaluation and Management Course at the University of Antwerp.
Some of the major evaluations and reviews David has led or provided specialist inputs include:
• Two High Level evaluations for ILO, focussed on Technical Cooperation and on Public-Private Partnerships
• Independent Review of UNDP Evaluation Policy (UNDP Executive Board)
• Independent Evaluation of the Delivering as One Pilot Countries, the report of which was discussed at the UN General Assembly (UNDESA)
• The Role of Local Benefits in Global Environment Programmes (GEF Evaluation Office)
• Evaluation of Netherlands-Funded NGOs in Bangladesh, 1972 – 1996 (Government of Netherlands)
• Outcome and Influence Evaluation of the UNEP Partnership for Clean Fuel and Vehicles (UNEP Evaluation Office)
• End of Programme Evaluation for the National Programme for Managing Climate Change in Malawi and the Malawi Africa Adaptation Programme (UNDP Malawi)
• Assessment of Development Results for Jamaica, 2004-2010. (UNDP Evaluation Office).
• Synthesis Evaluation of Gender Mainstreaming (African Development Bank Evaluation Office)
• M&E Framework for progress in addressing issues of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in the CARICOM region. (Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre, Belize)
• Evaluation of project “Building the knowledge base on the design and implementation of impact evaluation of child labour interventions” (ILO-IPEC. Geneva. Evaluation and Impact Assessment Section).