Blog Posts

Blog Posts

Blog Posts

We collect knowledge-rich blogs from evaluators and persons both within and without our community. These blogs offer writers the opportunity to narrate in less formal writing styles their personal evaluation experiences, capture evaluation findings in easy-to-understand ways while engaging the community with other relevant knowledge.


Displaying 183 Blogs

Navigating the Cofinancing Puzzle: GEF's Strategies, Successes, and Challenges

Neeraj Negi
GEF Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO)
Senior Evaluation Officer
Blog Date:

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) plays a crucial role in leveraging cofinancing to enhance project impact, sustainability, and partnerships.…

Empowering Communities: Evaluating Community Based Approaches (CBA) in the GEF

Kathryn Steingraber
GEF Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO)
Evaluation Officer
Blog Date:

"Community-based doesn't inherently mean community-led." This insight emerged as a recurring theme during our interviews with stakeholders in the GEF Partnership while evaluating community-based approaches. During early interviews, we encountered a significant challenge: the term 'community-…

Enhancing Impact Through Learning: Lessons from the Global Environment Facility's Evaluation of Setbacks

Blog Date:

co-author Michael Woolcock

Acknowledgements: This blog is based on the evaluation “

Happy Earth Day!!!

Geeta Batra
GEF Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO)
Chief Evaluation Officer
Blog Date:

Earth Day serves all of us as an annual reminder of the critical need for action to protect and preserve our environment. And you are here because you clearly care about the future! And you are here because you clearly believe that evaluation has a role to play. Yes, as evaluators, we have the…

There’s life in the desert

Carlo Carugi
GEF Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO)
Blog Date:

Often neglected by donors and recipient countries alike as considered unproductive lands, drylands cover a significant portion (40 percent) of the Earth land surface and are home to over two billion people, many of whom are among the world poorest and most vulnerable populations. These regions…

"What" and "Why" of the New GEF Evaluation Guidelines

Neeraj Negi
GEF Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO)
Senior Evaluation Officer
Blog Date:

The GEF Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) is introducing new evaluation guidelines that will redefine how program and project evaluations are conducted. Effective January 1, 2024, these comprehensive guidelines encompass GEF-funded programs, full-sized projects, and enabling activities. The…

20 Years of Impact: IEO's Journey of Environmental Accountability and Innovation

Blog Date:
IEO 20th Anniversary

In the realm of environmental evaluation, 20 years is a significant milestone. It marks not just…

How to Get People to Change for the Planet

Jeneen Reyes Garcia
GEF Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO)
Evaluation Officer
Blog Date:

Installing solar panels, biking to work, switching to sustainable agriculture, buying clothes second-hand instead of new -- what do all these have in common? For one, these are all measures that could help save money and mitigate climate change. These also require individuals and institutions to…

Using geospatial tools to assess relevance of GEF integrated programs

Carlo Carugi
GEF Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO)
Blog Date:

By Carlo Carugi, Senior Evaluation Officer, Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation Office

Photo credits (on the left) In Makomboki, a hilly area north of Nairobi known for its tea production, the…

Not all MSMEs are created equal – lessons from a recent evaluation

Jeneen Reyes Garcia
GEF Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO)
Evaluation Officer
Blog Date:

By Jeneen R. Garcia, Evaluation Officer, Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation Office

UNDP Ecuador

Photo on the…