Blog Posts

Blog Posts
The Prague Global Assembly 2019 from the perspective of the Climate Change ITIG
Conferences are a wonderful event for professionals and working groups. There is time to network, up-date on the newest trends in various fields of expertice, discuss and exchange. New inspiration and motivation is found and spread. The Climate Change ITIG (IDEAS Thematic Interest Group) and its…
Learning, networking, sharing all in one place: the wonders of Communities of Practice
The communities of practice Earth-Eval (hosted by the GEF Independent Evaluation Office) and EvalForward (hosted by the evaluation offices of FAO, IFAD and WFP) presented at the 2019 IDEAS Global Assembly and…
Are We Bigger Yet? A Behavioral Approach to Assessing Scaling-Up
As program designers and implementers, how do we make sure our intervention will scale up? As program evaluators, how do we know if something is going to scale up? In 2018, we at the…
UNDP Evaluation to support the “leaving no one behind” agenda: insights from the UNDP NEC Conference 2019
This blog was originally published on the Evalforward website by Serdar Bayryyev, Senior Evaluation Officer, FAO; and…
Want to scale up? Change-proof your program! Lessons from the GEF (PART 2)
When we at the GEF IEO looked at how impact was scaled up in GEF-supported interventions, many of the interviewees used terms such as “magic moment”, “luck” or “perfect storm” when referring to how scaling-up happened “spontaneously” through serendipitous circumstances, even when the project…
Want to scale up? Change-proof your program! Lessons from the GEF (PART 1)
Change is the only constant, we all learn sooner or later. But what to do when political and economic changes threaten the success of your carefully-implemented program?
In 2018, we at the GEF IEO examined how impact is scaled up across different types of environmental interventions…
What is Safe Monitoring and Evaluation Practice in the 21st Century?
Monitoring and evaluation practice can do harm. It can harm:
- the environment by prioritizing economic gain over species that have no voice
- people who are…
The GEF and Cleantech: Evaluating Efforts to Build an Innovation Ecosystem
Global factors such as technological advances, lowered costs, available capital, consumer demand and climate change have been encouraging the development and deployment of clean technologies as part of low-carbon economic growth. To accelerate progress in this area, emerging market countries…
Recent FAO evaluation highlights the role of GEF in programmes addressing integrated natural resource management for sustainable food and agriculture systems
In November 2018, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has released an evaluation of its contributions to integrated natural resource management for sustainable agriculture.
The evaluation was global in scope and examined FAO's efforts in promoting integrated…
Rethinking resilience, adaptation and transformation in a time of change
"How the world deals with large and serious problems is almost certainly going to shape our collective future" is the second line – and a promising start – in this edited Springer volume titled…