Blog Posts

Blog Posts

Blog Posts

We collect knowledge-rich blogs from evaluators and persons both within and without our community. These blogs offer writers the opportunity to narrate in less formal writing styles their personal evaluation experiences, capture evaluation findings in easy-to-understand ways while engaging the community with other relevant knowledge.


Displaying 183 Blogs

Evaluating the Role of the Private Sector in a Changing Climate

Baljit Wadhwa
Blog Date:

In the run-up towards the GEF's seventh replenishment period (GEF-7 starting in 2018), the Independent Evaluation Office of the GEF undertook an evaluation focused on the GEF's private sector engagement. The study analyzes the environmental finance landscape, assesses the GEF's private sector…

Is The Paris Agreement on Shaky Legs? How to Ensure Successful Implementation

Jonas Schoenefeld
Institute for Housing and Environment
Andy Jordan
University of East Anglia- Tyndall Centre for Climate Change
Blog Date:

What is needed to make the Paris Agreement a success? This blog post focuses on one of the most central but underappreciated elements – the periodic reviews of progress. States must of course make ambitious and credible contributions in the first place. But if there is no system to ensure that…

Program evaluations of the LDCF and the SCCF

Dennis Bours
Blog Date:

For those of you who haven't heard of the LDCF and SCCF before; the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) is a climate fund, established during the UNFCCC COP meeting in Marrakech in 2001, that focuses on - among other…

Evaluation of gender mainstreaming in the GEF - Part 2

Dennis Bours
Blog Date:

The previous blog post was the first one of two posts discussing the recent…

Evaluation of gender mainstreaming in the GEF - Part 1

Dennis Bours
Blog Date:

Over the past year the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) has worked on an…

Summer reading: Evaluating climate change action for sustainable development

Lee Cando
GEF Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO)
Blog Date:

Recently, Climate-Eval and the UN Evaluation Group (UNEG) hosted a webinar to launch the book, Evaluating Climate Change Action for…

Strengthening Evaluation Capacity in Organisations to Improve Adaptation Outcomes

Nathalie Beaulieu
Independent Consultant
Guy Jobbins
Aliou Diouf
Blog Date:

In 2016, the Collaborative Adaptation Research Initiative in Africa and Asia (CARIAA) program invited us to prepare a working paper to share lessons learned while…

Rethinking Evaluation - Sustaining a Focus on Sustainability

Caroline Heider
Director General
Blog Date:

Looking back on years of using the sustainability evaluation criterion, one has to ask - how well have we done? The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have brought renewed attention to sustainability. Although the DAC evaluation framework includes sustainability as one of its five criteria…

Adaptation strategies in the Gandaki River Basin of Nepal: Need for Transformational change

Bimal Raj Regmi
Governance Specialist
Blog Date:

Climate change adaptation practices are comprised of local knowledge and practices. These autonomous and planned interventions are designed to reduce risk and enhance the resilience of vulnerable households and communities with respect to their livelihoods and economic well-being.


Overcoming Challenges in a Shifting Landscape - Building Resilience

Caroline Heider
Director General
Blog Date:

Resilience is based on complex connections between social, environmental, and economic domains.

Building resilience has and continues to be central to the human endeavor. Extreme events have caused harm, shock, and suffering for centuries. At the same time, they have stimulated innovation…