News & Events

News & Events

News & Events

News & Events related to the GEF Independent Evaluation Office (IEO)

Preparing Evaluation of the Future: Big Data, Modern Technologies, and Shifts in Global Development Priorities

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The Independent Development Evaluation of the African Development Bank publishes a quarterly magazine eVALUation Matters on a variety of topics related to evaluation and development issues. The most recent issue discusses big data, modern technologies and shifts in global development priorities.

Webinar and Blog on Geospatial, Location and Big data: Where have we been and where can we go

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The European Evaluation Society (EES) had its first webinar series "Emerging Data Landscapes in M&E"on Geospatial, location, and big data: Where have we been and where can we go? on 28 July 2020. A blog on the webinar can be found here, as well as access to the full...

Webinar - Evaluation for Transformational Change

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On Tuesday, 7 April 2020 at 9am EST, UNICEF Evaluation Office, EVALSDGs and IDEAS will host a Webinar on “Evaluation for Transformational Change”.

Invitation to Join Climate Change ITIG


The International Program Evaluation Association (IDEAS) includes Thematic Interests Groups (ITIGS) on topics such as Climate Change, Evaluation Capacity Development, Gender and Equity, and more.

Book selected for Springer Nature's Academic Book Week


The book Evaluating Climate Change Action for Sustainable Development builds upon a selection of relevant and practical papers and presentations given at the 2nd International Conference on Evaluating Climate Change and Development held in 2014 and includes perspectives from independent evaluatio

Evaluation Matters 2nd Quarter 2020 Edition


The Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) of the African Development Bank (AfDB) is seeking submissions for its second quarter edition of eVALUation Matters Magazine.

Six OECD DAC Evaluation Criteria Adopted


The OECD DAC (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's Development Assistance Committee) adopted the 'Evaluation Criteria: Adapted Definitions and Principles for Use' which contains six criteria.

Webinar on Unintended Consequences and Trade-offs: Evaluating in the Nexus of Environment, Climate and Development

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UNICEF and EVALSDGs, in partnership with GEF, Green Climate Fund, IEO, and Earth-Eval will organize a webinar on Unintended Consequences and Trade-offs: Evaluating in the Nexus of Environment, Climate and Development.

2020 Conference of the Canadian Evaluation Society

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Dear evaluators of Latin America and the Caribbean,

2nd Energy Evaluation Conference in Asia (EEAP)

From to
Bangkok, Thailand
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This conference will meet in Bangkok to come together to share experiences and work together on common issues and concerns on energy policy and evaluation. The theme of this year's conference is "How can evaluation be used to secure support from funders?".