News & Events related to the GEF Independent Evaluation Office (IEO)
News & Events
Evaluation on ADB Support for Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Rural Development
This sector-wide evaluation covers a 13-year period from 2005 through 2017, with an emphasis on the period since 2008 following the adoption of ADB’s Strategy 2020.
Evaluation of the World Bank Group's Support to Carbon Finance
The Independent Evaluation Group of the World Bank recently released an evaluation of the World Bank's Support to Carbon Finance. The evaluation aimed to answer the following overarching question:
Webinar on Assessing Impact - Monitoring and Evaluation for Environmental Peacebuilding
Effective and inclusive monitoring and evaluation systems are essential for assessing the effectiveness, impact, and sustainability of any programming, and are particularly critical in conflict-affected areas.
Improving International Development Evaluation through Geospatial Data and Analysis
Improving International Development Evaluation through Geospatial Data and Analysis is an article written by Malte Lech, German Institute for Development Evaluation, DEval; Juha Ilari Uitto, Global Environment Facility, GEF; Sven Harten, German Institute for Development Evaluation, DEval; Geeta B
2018 American Evaluation Association (AEA) Conference
Evaluation 2018: Speaking Truth to Power by the American Evaluation Association held its annual conference.
Introducing Eval-ForwARD - A new CoP for Food Security, Agriculture and Rural Development
Interested in learning more about evaluation when it comes to food security, agriculture and rural development?
Webinar on Benefits of Investing in National M&E Systems
On october 2nd, 2018 the International Insitute for Environment and Development (IIED) hosted a webinar
Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) Tech's conference will be held September 5-7, 2018 at the Academy Hall of FHI 360 in Washington, DC. September 5 will be dedicated towards pre-workshops and the main conference dates are September 6 to 7.
AfDB Evaluation Week 2018
From 5 to 7 September 2018, the Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) of the African Development Bank will host its Development Evaluation Week 2018 in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire under the theme Strengthening Development Impact.Â
American Evaluation Association (AEA) Conference 2018
The American Evaluation Association (AEA) will hold its annual conference from October 29 - November 2, 2018 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. The theme of AEA 2018 will be on 'speaking truth to power'.